On the menu

How to smoke trout

Save money and delight yourself by smoking your trouts or those of the supermarket.

Salade de crevettes nordiques aux tomates

Tomato shrimp salad

To learn more about tomatoes, Read: Cooking with tomato   When fresh local or my garden tomatoes are in abundance

Instant Pot Eggs in the shell

The white of hard boiled eggs cooked in a pressure cooker is softer than if they are cooked in a pot of water on the stove.

How to cook with Instant Pot

Introduction The pressure cookers like the Instant Pot brings a small revolution to our kitchens. This appliance is not suitable

Sugar Shack Meal at Home

Sugar Shack Meal at home

Celebrate the sugaring season by preparing a Sugar Shack meal with my traditional menu or my menu of current cuisine.

Instant Pot Blueberry Grunt

Blueberry Grunts cooked in the Instant Pot have more flavor than when cooked on the stove. The blueberry sauce tastes like fresh fruit in season.


Cooking with cranberry

What a beautiful sight to see the thousands of cranberries floating on the fields filled with water ready to harvest.

Morel Mushroom

How to cook Morel Mushrooms

The morel is a spring mushroom. It is one of the most difficult mushrooms to spot in the forest so it’s not surprising that some people use the term morel hunting.La morille est un champignon de printemps.


Hi, I'm Micheline

It’s a pleasure to have you here, if you have any questions, drop me a line.

2022 Hall of Fame Inductees

Micheline Mongrain-Dontigny’s cookbooks celebrate traditional and contemporary recipes as they are actually prepared in Quebec today in both home and professional kitchens. We are pleased to recognize her lifetime achievement in culinary writing.”
– Taste Canada Awards

Cooking with Micheline