Depending on size, ice cream scoops can be used to fill muffin pans or shape balls of mashed potato with a regular, drop cookies on a sheet with a 3,5cm and shape meatballs with a 4 to 5 cm.
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The holidays are a good time to cook the typical dishes of families. If you've lost Grandma's roll cake recipe for the yule log or you're not sure how to prepare baked beans, "Les grands classiques de la cuisine d’ici", recently published by Guy Saint-Jean Éditeur, come to your rescue.
Traditional Quebec Cooking: a treasure of heirloom recipes: "Simple,warming dishes collected from trusted family cooks are clearly written"
You gave us the opportunity to enjoy a fine cuisine that would make the envy of many great chefs. Send our thanks to your team and accept, dear lady, our very great consideration.
This next book, Micheline Mongrain-Dontigny will dedicate it to the kitchen of the Mauricie. The author will spend the next few months travelling the road of this region in search of traditional recipes.
By publishing "La Cuisine Traditionnelle de Charlevoix", Micheline Mongrain-Dontigny believes she has touched a lead that will interest cooks in search of unique dishes to simmer.